Monday, September 21, 2009

Style Statement: A Classic Silk Scarf

I was lucky enough to venture to Paris a few weeks ago on my honeymoon and spent more time taking notes on the street style of the rive gauche than standing in line at the Louvre. One common denominator of French fashion is the use of a classic silk scarf. They wear it every which way, each look more chic than the last. I scored a great Hermes vintage one on a stroll through shops in St. Germain but spotted a pretty great rival for it in the window of Talbot's, Legacy Village for $54! Tres bien!


  1. Nat!!! You are too adorable- I love your blog ;)
    talbots!! Sigh... I remember shopping there with my mom
    ah nostalgia

  2. Wow that so pretty scarf I really like it. The color of the scarf is so cool. And that article is also too nice. With the help of it I got the tips to cares of the scarf. So thanks for sharing with me. For the more information about the silk scarf visit on www(dot)uzbekalive(dot)com.
    Silk Scarf
